Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Goal Achieved

Works read this year: 76/75 (101%)

Pages read this year: 20,641 / 22,500 (91.7%)

Works Completed in 2009:
1. Robinson, Ray (ed). Famous Last Words: Fond Farewells, Deathbed Diatribes, and Exclamations Upon Expiration. 177 pages. 1.2.09
2. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre: The Graphic Novel. 132 pages. 1.10.09
3. Miller, Kathleen E. Last Laughs: Funny Tombstone Quotes and Famous Last Words. 157 pages. 1.12.09
4. Carson, Anne (ed). If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho. 355 pages. 1.13.09
5. Hamilton, Laurell K. A Stroke of Midnight. 385 pages. 1.16.09
6. Hamilton, Laurell K. The Harlequin. 422 pages. 1.23.09.
7. Rand, Ayn. Anthem. 105 pages. 1.26.09
8. Hamilton, Laurell K. Mistral's Kiss. 302 pages. 1.28.09.
9. Armstrong, Kelley. Men of the Otherwold. 369 pages. 1.29.09.
10. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles and "A Jury of her Peers". 48 pages. 1.29.09 +
11. Peacock, Caro. A Dangerous Affair. 303 pages. 2.2.09.
12. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. 303 pages. 2.4.09.*
13. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. 37 pages. 2.9.09.+
14. Bryson, Bill. The Mother Tongue: English, and How it Got That Way. 245 pages. 2.12.09
15. Poe, Edgar Allan. Complete Poems. 125 pages. 2.12.09.
16. McCarthy, Jenny. Belly Laughs. 165 pages. 2.14.09.
17. De La Cruz, Melissa. Masquerade. 305 pages. 2.14.09.
18. Hamilton, Laurell K. A Lick of Frost. 342 pages. 2.14.09.
19. Sebold, Alice. The Lovely Bones. 328 pages. 2.17.09.
20. Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar. 244 pages. 2.20.09.
21. Hamilton, Laruell K. Swallowing Darkness. 365 pages. 2.22.09.
22. Briggs, Patricia. Bone Crossed. 309 pages. 2.27.09.
23. Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 281 pages. 2.28.09. +
24. Harrison, Kim. White Witch, Black Curse. 504 pages. 3.2.09.
25. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. 284 pages. 3.10.09.
26. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 189 pages. 3.12.09.
27. Cast, P.C. and Kristin Cast. Hunted. 323 pages. 3.16.09.
28. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Hound of the Baskervilles. 243 pages. 3.22.09.
29. Vern, Jules. Journey to the Centre of the Earth. 291 pages. 3.24.09. *
30. Lockwood, Cara. Wuthering High. 272 pages. 3.28.09.
31. Arthur, Keri. Dangerous Games. 384 pages. 4.2.09.
32. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Fantasy Lover. 352 pages. 4.4.09.
33. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. 99 pages. 4.5.09.
34. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Night Pleasures. 336 pages. 4.6.09.
35. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Night Embrace. 416 pages. 4.12.09.
36. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Dance with the Devil. 368 pages. 4.14.09.
37. Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House on the Prairie. 331 pages. 4.15.09.
38. Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House in the Big Woods. 238 pages. 4.17.09.
39. Moore, Christopher. Bloodsucking Fiends. 291 pages. 4.18.09.
40. Moore, Christopher. You Suck: A Love Story. 328 pages. 4.20.09.
41. Twain, Mark. Pudd'nhead Wilson. 196 pages. 4.22.09.
42. Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. 109 pages. 4.28.09. +
43. Hamilton, Laurell K., Green, Alves. The First Death. 128 pages. 5.1.09.
44. Kennedy, X.J. and Dana Gioia, eds. Literature: An Introduction... Vol. 2: Poetry. 38 pages (selection). January - May 2009. +
45. Kennedy, X.J. and Dana Gioia, eds. Literature: An Introduction... Vol. 1: Fiction. 74 pages (selection). January - May 2009. +
46. Sleator, William. House of Stairs. 166 pages. 5.3.09.
47. Hamilton, Laurell K, Lim, Booth. Guilty Pleasures: Volume 2. 144 pages. 5.5.09.
48. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Kiss of the Night. 382 pages. 5.6.09.
49. Le Fanu, Sheridan. Carmilla. 112 pages. 5.6.09.
50. Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. 184 pages. +
51. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Seize the Night. 352 pages. 5.9.09.
52. Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Sins of the Night. 384 pages. 5.11.09.
53. Harris, Charlaine. Dead and Gone. 320 pages. 5.17.09.
54. Lovecraft, H.P. "The Call of Cthulhu." 31 pages. 5.18.09.
55. Orwell, George. 1984. 254 pages. 5.19.09.
56. Moore, Alan, et al. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 176 pages. 5.20.09.
57. Pratchett, Terry. The Truth. 348 pages. 5.23.09.
58. Campbell, Bruce. If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. 338 pages. 5.25.09.
59. Pratchett, Terry. Going Postal. 377 pages. 5.28.09.
60. Moore, Alan and Dave Gibbons. Watchmen. 416 pages. 5.28.09.
61. Pratchett, Terry. Making Money. 394 pages. 5.29.09.
62. Harris, Charlaine. Grave Sight. 320 pages. 5.31.09.
63. Harris, Charlaine. Grave surprise. 320 pages. 6.1.09.
64. Hamilton, Laurell K. Skin Trade. 486 pages. 6.4.09.
65. Twain, Mark. The Prince and the Pauper. 267 pages. 6.4.09. *
66. Harris, Charlaine. Shakespeare's Landlord. 214 pages. 6.5.09.
67. Harris, Charlaine. An Ice Cold Grave. 288 pages. 6.5.09.
68. Arnold, Catharine. Necropolis: London and Its Dead. 247 pages. 6.8.09.
69. Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. 213 pages. 6.10.09.
70. Harris, Charlaine. Shakespeare's Champion. 224 pages. 6.12.09.
71. Harris, Charlaine. Shakespeare's Christmas. 224 pages. 6.12.09.
72. Slater, Maya. The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy. 324 pages. 6.15.09.
73. Pratchett, Terry. Nation. 367 pages. 6.17.09..
74. O'Brien, Robert C. Z for Zachariah. 249 pages. 6.19.09.
75. Harris, Charlaine. Shakespeare's Trollope. 194 pages. 6.22.09.
76. Harris, Charlaine. Shakespeare's Counselor. 243 pages. 6.22.09.

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