Monday, November 23, 2009

130. Andrews, Donna. Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon. 297 pages. 11.23.09.

Another delightful Meg Langslow mystery. An unfortunate accident with a hammer inspires Meg's brother Ron to enlist her help in figuring out who is sneaking about at his gaming company, Mutant Wizards. After the murder of one of the programmers Meg finds herself tripping over geeks, gamers, and therapists as she tries to keep first one innocent and then another out of jail. The personalities of the programmers match many of the professional geeks I know, which once again added another level to my enjoyment. On to the next!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed it, Luxx! And the programmers were loosely based on some of the techies I used to work with, so I'm glad you found them familiar.

