Sunday, July 5, 2009

86. Harris, Charlaine. Last Scene Alive. 224 pages. 7.4.09.

87. Hall, Traci. Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways. 240 pages. 7.5.09.

I found my mind wandering yesterday and went hunting for a quick entertaining read. I stumbled across a number of horror/fantasy books for the Kindle that Amazon is promoting for free, and figured that if they were horrible at least the price was right.

Traci Hall's young adult novel is one of three of the "cheesy" books I downloaded, and it worked well for my wandering brain. Given what it is (a paranormal young adult novel), Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways isn't nearly as bad as the title first lead me to believe. In fact, the title seems to be a bit misleading: the subject of Wicca is relevant to the book only as much as it functions as a part of the main character's history, as she (Rhiannon) struggles with typical teenage melodrama (such as having unusual parents and moving to a new area) and typical teenage paranormal plot twists (physic powers - which she prefers to explain scientifically - and a resident ghost).

I can easily see Hall's book finding a wide and willing audience for today's youth, especially in light of the success of popular YA fantasy series such as Harry Potter and Twilight.

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