Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Kindle, or Not to Kindle?

So, I'm pretty much hot for the new Kindle. I haven't read any reviews so I don't know how well it actually performs, but it sounds pretty fabulous. I've always thought it'd be great to throw in a bad, so I always have a book with me. And good lord, it would be so much easier to take a Kindle on vacation than the stack I usually drag around.

But ... it doesn't look like it's as cost-effective as I thought it would be. New cheesy horror book I just bought? $14.29 on the Kindle. But it's only $15.59 to buy the actual printed book on Amazon (and we all know how neurotic I am about my books). So in the end, the only advantage would be the fact that no one could tell I was reading a cheesy book, but I own up to my junky fiction addiction.

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