Title: [Catwoman: Nine Lives of a Feline Fatale]
Author: Ed Brubaker
Genre: Graphic Novel
Medium: Paperback
Acquisition: for Superheroes and US Media
Date Completed: June 28, 2014
Rating: ****1/2
Purchased to give me a background on my selected super"hero," Brubaker's collection provides vignettes of Catwoman in nine iterations. For each generation she is a different character, each fraught with a number of cultural and intellectual problems. She's as complicated as I hoped, and this book was a great introduction to the comics that create her.
Title: [Superman vs. Lex Luther]
Author: Various
Genre: Graphic Novel
Medium: .PDF
Acquisition: Class Text
Date Completed: June 30, 2014
Collection assembled by my professor to illustrate the different faces of Lex Luther through the years.
Title: [The Death of Superman]
Author: Dan Jurgens
Genre: Graphic Novel
Medium: Paperback
Acquisition: Class Text
Date Completed: July 2, 2014
With all of my other reading and writing I don't think I'll be able to review all of these graphic novels. It was interesting to read a whole Superman book for once, but I'll save my observations for class.